Monday 22 September 2014

Why people fail in self-employed businesses?

Why people fail in self-employed businesses, because they start their self-employed business either for the wrong reasons or in the wrong way.
Many examples exist of people that are not successful developing their own businesses. Research has shown that an estimate of about 97% of the people who start their own business on the internet don’t reach their goals. From entrepreneurs starting their own businesses in other environments about 75% fail within the first 3 years.
The question is why? How can you prevent it if you want to become self-employed? Some of the main reasons for these failures are:
• Some people are desperate in making a decision to start their own business without doing proper planning and research.
• They see it as a get-rich-quick opportunity.
• They don’t have the passion or skills to develop a business on their own.
• They lack self-discipline to do what is needed to make a success of the business.
• They are not willing to make the sacrifices needed to be successful.
• Their business concept or product idea is not viable and they are not successful in creating value that the consumer is willing to pay for.
• They have the wrong attitude and are not willing to take responsibility for their decisions and pass blame to the circumstances, or the market.
• They don’t want to innovate and change with the market or the business environment.
• They are not able to communicate and convinced that the market of the value that they do create
• Not able to deliver a quality product that the consumers are willing to pay for.
These and many related issues will be discussed here.

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